To ensure our patients have adequate rest and recuperation, receive timely care and treatment, and to help maintaining hospital hygiene we thank you to respect FVH visiting times and regulations
1:00PM – 8:00PM
Maximum number of visitors at any one time: two (2) per patient in double rooms and three (3) per patient in single rooms
Paediatric Ward:
- Parents or Carer are allowed anytime
Neo-Natal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) and Neo-Natal High-Dependency Unit (NHDU) :
- Parents are allowed anytime, except during doctor’s round and nursing procedure.
- No other relatives ( including children) and visitors are allowed in NICU and NHDU
Intensive Care Unit (ICU) and High-Dependency Unit (HDU):
- 2:00pm to 4:00pm and 6:30pm to 8:00 pm.
- For patient under 16 year-old, parents are allowed anytime, except during doctor’s round and nursing procedure.
Delivery Suite:
- Up to two visitors are allowed at any time in the delivery room
- Children under 16 year-old are allowed but must be supervised by another adult
Exceptional Arrangements
Relatives / carers of critically ill patients, or relatives involved in direct care of patients, can agree visiting arrangements with the Head Nurse or the Ward Manager
Please Do Not Visit if you have:
- Vomiting, Diarrhoea
- Coughs, Cold or Flu
- Any other infectious conditions
Please wash your hands or use alcohol hand rub provided before and after visiting
- Keep to the allocated visiting times
- Limit visit to two people for each patient at any one time in double rooms and three in single rooms
- Please wash your hands or use the alcohol hand rub on entering and leaving the patient’s room.
- You may be asked to leave the room if the patient requires medical attention or nursing care.
- The duration of visits may be limited by the nurse in charge
- Patients and their family / visitors should decide on a spokesperson to liaise with medical and nursing staff regarding care, treatment and progress of the patient.
- FVH encourages patients’ family to be active partners-in-care. Nurses may thus request participation of family members in nursing activities such as feeding during meals, medication and toilet time.
- Please do not visit more than one ward
- Do not sit on the bed or touch wounds, drips, drains, or patient’s notes, or leave personal belongings on the bed.
- Visitors for isolated patients must follow the requirements displayed outside the patient’s room
- Pets are not allowed in the hospital.
- Smoking is strictly forbidden in the hospital except in designated outdoor areas
- Visitors are permitted to bring washed fruit and soft drinks for patients, however these must be check with nurse before being offered to patient – no other food or drink is permitted. Durian and Jackfruit are not allowed into the hospital.
- For confidentiality reasons camera phones, cameras and camcorders should not be used by visitors within the ward area except in Maternity Department
- Visitors are asked to switch off their mobile phone or to set it to “silent” or “vibrate” mode and to speak quietly whilst inside the hospital
- Visitors are not permitted to bring flowers or plants to patients, except in Maternity
- Visitors are not permitted to eat while visiting patients or waiting for visiting patients (except in the hospital’s cafeteria and the coffee-shop in the hospital’s lobby).
- Children under 16 year-old must be accompanied by an adult – children should only visit close relatives
- Children under 2 year-old are not allowed to visit.
- Visitors cannot stay overnight in double rooms
- Upon request by a patient staying in a single room, and provided that there is no medical reason to refuse, one visitor can be permitted to purchase an Overnight Pass.
- FVH takes no responsibility for any items misplaced or lost by visitors on its premises.
- All visitors should treat staff with respect and politeness