The Importance of Preventive Medicine

Regular health exams and tests can help to find problems before they start. They also can help to find problems in the early stages, when your chances for successful treatment and cure are higher. By getting the right health services, screenings, and treatments, you are taking steps that increase your chances for living a longer, healthier life.

Your age, health and family history, lifestyle choices (i.e. what you eat, how active you are, whether you smoke), and other important factors impact what and how often you need healthcare.

A check-up also ensures that you “know your numbers”: your blood pressure, cholesterol, blood sugar and body mass index all important markers of your overall health. Perhaps the greatest benefit of a health check-up is to clearly understand your health status so you can take care of yourself better and live life to the fullest.

When to start having regular health check-ups?

Most doctors advise an annual health check-up for men and women over the age of 40 years. The American Cancer Society recommends a cancer-related health check-up annually in men and women older than 40, and every three years for those older than 20. For those with a family history of diseases such as cancer, heart problems, high cholesterol, high blood pressure and diabetes, regular check-ups are even more important and should be started earlier than 40. We recommend that you talk to your doctor for specific advice.

What are FV Hospital’s Health Check-ups Programmes?

FV Hospital’s one-stop Check-up Centre offers the latest and most comprehensive health screening programmes. Conducted by our team of nurses, general practitioners and specialists, check-ups are performed in a comfortable and private environment. Our doctors will help you understand your results and answer any questions or concerns you may have.

All check-up programmes are by appointment only. To ensure the accuracy of biological tests and abdominal ultrasound, do not eat or drink any other liquid than water for six hours prior to your check-up.

FV Hospital offers a range of health check-up programmes, from simple to comprehensive, to meet your needs and those of your family. When choosing the right check-up programme you will need to consider the patient’s age, sex, risk factors, family history and individual budget. Check-ups can also be custom-designed to cater to your individual requirements.

Pregnant women cannot have check-ups that include X-ray investigations.

Check-up Roadmap


To ensure the accuracy of biological tests and abdominal ultrasound, do not eat or drink any other liquid than water for six hours prior to your check-up

Which check-up programme is best for you?

FV Hospital’s Check-up Programmes are designed to provide you with personalised services which best fit your individual needs. To find out more about our health check-up programmes or to book an appointment, please call:

FV Hospital’s Check-up Service Desk: (028) 5411 36 60 or (028) 54 11 33 33, ext 1260

FV Clinic’s Check-up Service Desk: (028) 62 90 61 67

Customer Consultant: (028) 62 91 11 67

Or e-mail us at