Services & Treatments
Skin Treatment
Acne Treatment
Advice on skin care + appropriate cosmetics after treatment (minimal medication required, only topical creams)...
Benign skin lesions
Benign skin lesions are the phenomenon of skin or subcutaneous skin tissue that have abnormally developed. such as warts, moles, etc...
Large Pores
Advice on skin care + appropriate cosmetics after treatment (medication requirement is minimal, only topical creams)....
Pock Scars
Conduct laser shooting with modern, international standard machines (Fotona 4D)....
Skin Hyperpigmentation
Advise on skin care + appropriate cosmetics after treatment (minimal medication required)....
Stretching Skin
Advise on skin care + appropriate cosmetics after treatment (minimal medication required)....
Vascular Lesions
Doctors examine and advise on your current skin condition, determine the degree of and classify Vascular Dilatation to prescribe appropriate treatment...